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Flower Essence Therapy

Flower essence therapy was developed by a German physician, Edward Bach, in the 1930s, but the use of plant's energetic healing is almost universal in traditional medicine worldwide. Flower essences work on the body's subtle energy fields that can be affected by the flower's energy field, or essence. I like to use rose as an example. Around Valentine's Day roses are everywhere. Culturally, we associate roses as a symbol of love, perhaps because their red and pink colors are as deep as those of our own hearts, or because their fragrance is delicate and romantic. Roses also have thorns, which are protective of the plant. I think about a rose's essence as evoking a sense of self-love with a side of badass healthy boundaries to protect our heart, and allow us to love ourselves and others more fully and without giving too much of ourselves, leaving us depleted.

Flower essences work to expand our emotional and spiritual awareness and are helpful for all of us to balance emotions, especially times of big life changes. Flower essences are made with respect given to the plant in gratitude for its use as medicine. When the sky is clear, and each flower has fully blossomed, they are infused in sunlight and water and preserved with a small amount of alcohol, usually brandy. The alcohol content can be removed to negligible amounts for those abstaining from alcohol. Typically flower essences are dosed at a few droppers each day, either under the tongue or in water, for weeks to months at a time. It is over the course of the therapy that subtle changes in your own energetic and emotional states will be noticed as difficult feelings and situations have come to a new light and are more easily managed, as your ability to emotionally process and handle them has been strengthened.

The wonderful thing about flower essences is that there is no physical substance within them, and they can be used safely in conjunction with medications, as well as for children, and pets, who respond exceedingly well to them. Flower essence therapy is an empowering tool to work with. They can be made and used by anyone, and are available at most health food stores. It can be helpful to work with a natural medicine practitioner, or flower essence therapist, who has developed an understanding of their use and can conduct a thorough interview to help guide you through the therapy. Flower essence therapy is dynamic, and evolves with you over time depending on life's situations, much as plants and flowers themselves adapt to the seasons. If you are interested in working with flower essences please reach out for a free consultation.


Kaminski, P., & Katz, R. (2004). Flower essence repertory: a comprehensive guide to North American and English flower essences for emotional and spiritual well-being. Nevada City, CA: Flower Essence Society.

Scheffer, M. (1990). Bach flower therapy: theory and practice. London: Thorsons.

The Original Bach Flower Remedies - (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from

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